Dual Monitor x86 (Disabling Internal Display)

Bagaimana cara untuk disable internal display pada OS Android x86, dan membuat tampilan hanya ada di External Display? Begini caranya:

Hey guys! I found a way to use an external display with this, by disabling the internal display and telling it to use the external one only!

  • Install Android-x86 / Bliss-x86
  • Boot Ubuntu USB stick or any linux that can run the “xrandr” command
  • Do “xrandr” in terminal to find out what display interface name /display ID your laptop/tablet has. For example mine is eDP-1 (Surface Pro 3 screen). It’s the part before “NAME connected primary WIDTHxHEIGHT” (example: eDP-1 connected primary 2160×1440).
  • In another terminal window, do “sudo nano /etc/grub.d/40_custom” and find the Android-x86 / Bliss-x86 boot entry
  • Add the following command for example to the end of the linux row (connection = the name of your connection/display interface name, :d disables that display):
video=connection:d video=
video=eDP-1:d video=
  • If you’re unsure what your laptop/tablet display ID is, you can try with this (not tested):
video=eDP-1:d video=eDP1:d video=LVDS1:d video=LVDS-1:d video=
  • Press CTRL-X to save changes, then do this command:
sudo update-grub
  • Reboot to Android-x86 / Bliss-x86 and enjoy… If the elements are too big for your taste, go to Settings and change the display density from there, or go to developer options and tune the .

If you want, you can also add your external monitor’s resolution to the second video= command, for example video=3440×1440 but it shouldn’t be needed as it worked very well for me without any set resolution. Android and Linux are intelligent in that way.

I also tried whether it’d work if I defined both the internal resolution and external resolution (=dual monitor), but it mirrored the image as it normally does without the above hack to disable the internal display. I haven’t yet found a way to use both the internal and external displays on Android. This is great if you want to connect your Android-x86 / Bliss-x86 laptop/tablet to your TV or bigger monitor and use only that, with the laptop/tablet acting as a “desktop” PC. Games, movies, web browsing, YouTube, anything… And with the freeform windows and taskbar on Bliss-x86, which is built from Android-x86 with many additional features and changes, you have a cool new open-source Android PC experience on the bigger screen!

Source: https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/android-x86/jSF3RnADnqA

Cara Alternatif Set Dari Grub

Dari live USB pilih Debug Mode

Masukkan command mount -o remount, rw /mnt

Masukkan command cd /mnt/grub

Masukkan command vi menu.lst

Pergi ke baris pertama /kernel

Pergi sampai ke akhir baris, tambahkan kode resolusi VESA yang diinginkan, misalnya 873 (1280 x 800 x 16bit)

Save dengan menekan Esc + Shift + zz

Masuk ke root folder, cd /

Ketik umount /mnt

Ketik reboot -f








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