Terkadang printer CISS (Continuous Ink Supply System) bermasalah, yakni tintanya bocor atau masuk angin (banyak udara di dalam selang). Itu penyebabnya adalah tekanan udara di dalam printer yg tidak pas. Kalau tekanan udara di tangki tinta kurang, tinta akan kembali ke tangki dan tidak masuk ke dalam printhead. Kalau terlalu kuat tekanannya, tinta akan merembes di printhead. Jadi posisi harus balance.
Bagaimana cara membuatnya balanced? Begini:
Panduan Air Balancing BCH Technologies
Itu untuk tangki tanpa filter udara di small tank. Untuk tipe dengan filter udara di small tank, lakukan sebagai berikut:
Setelah melakukan hal di atas, sistem CISS akan menemukan keseimbangan tekanan udara secara otomatis.
Panduan Air Balancing MIR-AUS
Salah satu provider tinta CISS dari Australia, MIR-AUS pun menyatakan cara yg sama, tapi dengan awalan untuk menaruh tangki tinta pada level yg sama dengan printer:
Setelahnya barulah dilakukan proses Air Balancing, dengan menutup seluruh katup dan memiringkan tangki tinta ke arah depan (front):
- Ensure that all of the coloured rubber plugs on top of the tanks are securely closed.
- Gently roll the tank unit onto one side so that the smaller plugs would be positioned higher than the larger plugs. Leave the unit in that position for a few seconds to allow for air balance to form.
- Now put the tanks back in upright position. The rear (smaller) compartment in each tank (under the smaller plug) should now contain about 2-3 cm of ink. This air balance is essential for the correct performance of the CISS.
Prinsip Kerja Mariotte Bottle / Mariotte Siphon
The Mariotte bottle (also called a Mariotte siphon) is a device that allows one to deliver a liquid at a constant (adjustable) pressure. As long as the liquid remains above the bottom of the tube that determines the exit pressure (vide infra), the pressure remains constant regardless of the level of the liquid in the delivery vessel. This ingenious device was invented by Edmé Mariotte, a 17th-century French physicist. (See also here, a Wikipedia entry here, and a Wikipedia note on the Mariotte bottle here.)
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